C# Tutorial
By DigiGrowHub Mentor
Categories: Programming Languages
About Course
C# tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of C#. Our C# tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals.
C# is a programming language of .Net Framework.
Our C# tutorial includes all topics of C# such as first example, control statements, objects and classes, inheritance, constructor, destructor, this, static, sealed, polymorphism, abstraction, abstract class, interface, namespace, encapsulation, properties, indexer, arrays, strings, regex, exception handling, multithreading, File IO, Collections etc.
What Will You Learn?
- C# is pronounced as "C-Sharp". It is an object-oriented programming language provided by Microsoft that runs on .Net Framework.
- By the help of C# programming language, we can develop different types of secured and robust applications:
- Window applications
- Web applications
- Distributed applications
- Web service applications
- Database applications etc.
Course Content
Module 1 : C# Tutorial
C#- Introduction
C#- Features
C#- Variables
C#- Data Types
C#- Operators
C#- Keywords
Module 2 : C# Control Statement
C# if-else
C# switch
C# For Loop
C# While Loop
C# Do-While Loop
C# Break
C# Continue
C# Goto
C# Comments
Module 3 : C# Arrays
C# Arrays
C# Array to Function
C# Multidimensional Array
C# Jagged Arrays
C# Params
C# Array class
C# Command Line Args
Module 4 : C# Object Class
C# Object and Class
C# Constructor
C# Destructor
C# this
C# static
C# static class
C# static constructor
C# Structs
C# Enum
Module 5 : C# Properties
Module 6 : C# Inheritance
C# Inheritance
C# Aggregation
Module 7: C# Polymorphism
C# Member Overloading
C# Method Overriding
C# Base
C# Polymorphism
C# Sealed
Module 8 : C# Abstraction
C# Abstract
C# Interface
Module 9: C# Namespace
C# Namespaces
C# Access Modifiers
C# Encapsulation
Module 10 : C# Strings
C# String()
C# String Clone()
C# String Compare()
C# String CompareOrdinal()
C# String CompareTo()
C# String Concat()
C# String Contains()
C# String Copy()
C# String CopyTo()
C# String EndsWith()
C# String Equals()
C# String Format()
C# String GetEnumerator()
C# String GetHashCode()
C# String GetType()
C# String GetTypeCode()
C# String GetTypeCode()
C# String IndexOf()
C# String Insert()
C# String Intern()
C# String IsInterned()
C# String IsNormalized()
C# String Normalize()
C# String IsNullOrEmpty()
C# String Join()
C# String LastIndexOf()
C# String LastIndexOfAny()
C# String PadLeft()
C# String PadRight()
C# String Remove()
C# String Replace()
C# String Split()
C# String StartsWith()
C# String SubC# String()
C# String ToCharArray()
C# String ToLower()
C# String ToLowerInvariant()
C# String ToC# String()
C# String ToUpper()
C# String ToUpperInvariant()
C# String Trim()
C# String TrimEnd()
C# String TrimStart()
Module 11 : C# Exception Handling
C# Exception Handling
C# try/catch
C# finally
C# Custom Exception
C# checked unchecked
C# SystemException
Module 12 : C# File IO
C# FileStream
C# StreamWriter
C# StreamReader
C# TextWriter
C# TextReader
C# BinaryWriter
C# BinaryReader
C# StringWriter
C# StringReader
C# FileInfo
C# DirectoryInfo
C# Serialization
C# Deserialization
C# System.IO
Module 13 : C# Functions
C# Function
C# Call By Value
C# Call By Reference
C# Out Parameter
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